New in our Ludo Mich catalogue:
Willie Stewart – Ludo is fantastic
(DVD released by Hypnagogic, Ireland, 2020)
Irish filmmaker and musician Willie Stewart premiered his documentary film Ludo is fantastic about Flemish artist Ludo Mich late in 2018. An audio CD with the soundtrack to this film was released simultaneously on Stewart’s own label Hypnagogic. Now, two years later, Hypnagogic has released Stewart’s film on DVD together with a restored version of Ludo Mich’s 1972 film Arthur is fantastic plus the film ‘De Minotaurus’ by Chris Gillis and Rufus Mich, which documents Ludo Mich’s 2005 performance Excavation of the Minotaur. On top of that, a download code to the soundtrack of Ludo is fantastic is included in this handsomely packaged DVD.