New arrival from Moloko+ catalogue:
Jerome Rothenberg – A Seneca Journal
A Seneca Journal (1978) is one of Rothenberg’s ethnopoetic explorations. The Seneca, one of the six tribes of the Iroquois confederacy, accepted the Rothenbergs into their community in Salamanca, New York State during one of their ethnological and poetic studies in the 1970s. In his journal of the period Rothenberg, adopted by the Seneca Beaver clan as one of their own, draws parallels between the fate of his Jewish ancestors in Eastern Europe and the ethnic cleansing and genocide that the Seneca suffered and documented in their myths and stories. Moloko Plus has published Rothenberg’s classic A Seneca Journal as a fine bilingual English-German edition with translations by Barbara Felicitas Tax and Norbert Lange and artwork by Susanna Lakner.