Silkscreened Destroy All Monsters poster by Savage Pencil
Hungry for Death was a comprehensive Destroy All Monsters exhibition at Printed Matter, New York in 2009. From there the show, curated by Cary Loren and James Hoff, toured to St Louis, Oslo, London, Rome, Lausanne, Athens, Paris and Boston. For the show at SPACE Gallery, London in 2010 a poster was designed by British artist Edwin Pouncey aka Savage Pencil. The poster was silkscreened, signed and hand numbered in an edition of 75 copies. This particular copy has now been made available from the Sea Urchin archives and is in excellent condition.
Artist, musician and writer Savage Pencil (1951) has contributed to several magazines, a.o. The Wire, Escape and Forced Exposure. He has designed and illustrated record sleeves for a number of bands, among who The Fall and The Mystery Band and is currently a member of the band Pestrepeller himself.