Simply fill in the form and click 'Submit'. Your order will be sent to us by email. As soon as we have received your order we will email you a PayPal invoice for your order that includes the shipping cost. At PayPal you can pay with your own currency. We will send you the package when you have paid.
- If you don't wish to pay through your PayPal account, or via PayPal with a credit card, select 'Other' and we will contact you about your order.
- If you want to ship your order to someone else (e.g. as a present), please fill in the Shipping Address. If not, fill in your own name and address.
- If you don't hear from us, your order might not have reached us. In this case please send your order to order@sea-urchin.net
Your information will only be used for our own administration and will never be passed on to third parties.